If you missed our LAST week seminar, tomorrow is the time to attend. Here's why...

June 17th, 2015 at 8:32 pm +08

If you missed our LAST week seminar, tomorrow is the time to attend.

Here's why...

Last week I had sent out an email about a
major retrenchment recently.

Did you read it yet?

If you have not, please take the time to read it.

It is very important.

Previous week email

Today while I was reading the online Today Papers,
I stumbled  upon this article which cause a paradigm
shift in my mind.

Source: http://www.todayonline.com/business/hsbc-boss-prepares-axe-jobs-businesses-strategy-refresh?page=2

It's starting to happen...

You see... This are signs of economy crisis is coming or it's near.

I further do some more research online to see the recent crisis. I found this.

Year 1987 - Black Monday
Year 1997 - Asian Crisis
Year 2001 - Dot com Crash
Year 2008 - Subprime crisis.

These are the recent crisis. It's almost average of
7 years apart.

Now it's year 2015.

It's about 7 years apart since the last crisis in year 2008.

And here's the sign of BIG bank shedding 50,000 jobs.

I'm personally not an economist. But from the crisis trend
I see and analyse, I'm worried.

How about you?

Does your current source of income able to sustain your
lifestyle when the next financial occur?

Think about it for a moment.

If your answer is no, I suggest that you start looking for
an alternate source of income stream now.

Start building your Plan B now while you are still getting
good income from your main income.

Now is the best time to start building your Plan B.

And tomorrow, I am organising a FREE 3-Hour Seminar
which I will show you how to create a 2nd source of income
during your spare time WITHOUT affecting your current job/ current business.

For more details, click here

See you in the seminar!

Talk soon,
Edmund Toh
Global eCommerce Franchise Business Expert

P.S. Hope to see you tomorrow at our seminar.
