Subject: Are you still getting scolded BADLY when you are prospecting?
Are you still getting scolded BADLY when you are prospecting?
April 27th, 2013 at 8:38 pm +08Hi Friend,Are you still building your network marketing the olddinosaur ways?If you are still doing it,I suggest that you stop doingit.Why.It WILL NOT WORK anymore.Many of your friends will shun away from you the nexttime that they see you.You will b ...
(Download) Your $0.00 Copy of The Real Plan Blueprint ($69.97 Value)
April 25th, 2013 at 10:15 pm +08FREE Blueprint! "How To Flood YourBank With Unlimited Pay Checks OnAutopilot In 30 Days Or Less AndGet Paid For Life The Lazy Way" ==> (Download) Your $0.00 Copy of The Real Plan Blueprint ($69.97 Value)Claim your Free $69.97 Gift Now:==> (Download) ...
RE: Private invitation for you
April 21st, 2013 at 7:53 pm +08Hey Friend,It's Sunday. If you are actually checking email right now...Means that you are either workingon your homework or clearing up your mails and prepare for Monday morning meetings.Did I guess it correctly?You see... you are actually bringing y ...
Private invitation for you
April 19th, 2013 at 10:00 pm +08Hi Friend,As I have just upgraded my GVO accountto PureLeverage account and I'm lookingthrough the system.You know what?After upgrading, I feel it's worth itto join.Why?Reason #1: You can collect 100% RESIDUAL COMMISSIONSReason #2: You will get Lead ...
6 Months, 6 Figure income is NO joke
April 17th, 2013 at 1:32 pm +08Hi Friend,I'm back in Singapore already!Last weekend, Daegan Smith's6 Figure 6 Month's Workshop is a blast!Daegan is sharing very valuablemarketing strategies which can scale up your internet businessBIG time!In 6 Months, 6 Figure income isno joke.So ...
I'm back in KL again~ Oh mine! it's flooding!
April 12th, 2013 at 2:49 pm +08Hi Friend,Kuala Lumpur yesterday was flooded.Many vehicles are stuck in the traffic jam and the water are rising gradually the driver'sfeet and half body.How would you feel if you are thedriver.It's su*ks right....I thought the Daegan Smith's 6 Figur ...
(*Bonuses*) Daegan Smith's 6 Figure in 6 Months Training
April 10th, 2013 at 2:29 am +08Hi Friend,As of now we are only left with 7 ticketsand we are a few days away from the event.I'm getting more excited as time passes by.Why...Because I myself is looking to learn morenew cool ways to increase my monthly income.If you have not gotten ...
This email is going to make a lot of people HAPPY
April 8th, 2013 at 10:29 pm +08Hey Friend,This email is going to make a lotof people happy.Why?Because recently, I read a surveyabout the reasons that's preventinglots of online entrepreneurs fromearning money from their online business.And guess what's the number one reason is?Th ...
(*Hot*) Half of the seats are gone
April 7th, 2013 at 10:16 pm +08Hi Friend,Since I released the 60 FREE tickets to myexclusive 6 Figures in 6 Months workshopwith Daegan Smith a few days ago.Half of the seats are already gone.As my partner Jaz and me are spending over $20,000 to host this ONE-TIME only training, I ...
Part 3: The results (it's Important)
April 3rd, 2013 at 5:31 pm +08Hi Friend,If you have been participating in my Facebook survey about the challenges you are facing when you are building your internet business…You can see that MOST of the internetentrepreneurs are facing these obstacleswhich stop them from procee ...
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