Subject: My gift to you…

I’ve got this sweet little doozy of a gift with your name on it (not kidding)

Hello Friend,

First thing’s first… did you register for the free webinar yet?

I hope you did before it’s too late.

Anyway, as a way of thanking you for reading my emails, I put together a special little package for you.

It’s a short, to-the-point PDF that’s all about helping you start your own business and begin the journey to financial freedom.  Imagine what life might look like after achieving that goal!

What would it be like if you had the freedom to set your own schedules and work for yourself?

That’s what’s possible when you download this PDF.

But I want to be respectful of your inbox and not just throw it in here unless you want it.

So if you’d like this gift, just hit “reply” to this email and say “yes”.

I’ll get it out to you before the next sundown ;-)

Just hit reply, say yes, and it’s yours.

Look forward to hearing from you,

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