Subject: Hey..

Hello My friend,

I think I owe you an apology (seriously), so hear me out:

If you’re reading this right now it’s because at some point you went to a page similar to this one

You even entered your email looking for some help with building an online business.

And I haven’t been sending you as much value as I probably should.

So over the next few days, I’ll be sending you some of the stuff that’s dramatically impacting my business.

Think of it like an adrenaline shot for your results, too.

It’s really unique stuff you won’t find anywhere else.

If that sounds cool, awesome!

If not, you can always tap here to get off my list

Of course, that also means you miss out on some of the sweetest golden nuggets you’ll ever get your hands on.

I hope you stay,

P.S. If you don’t mind, shoot me a quick reply and tell me what’s holding you back from having the business/income you deserve.

I’d be happy to offer any help I can.

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