Subject: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year my friend...

I'll keep this short and sweet.

I wanted to pop into your inbox today to thank you for being a part of my email family in this past crazy year and to wish you a happy and prosperous 2022.

I am so grateful for you and more importantly that you trust me to help you with your advancing your career, scaling your online business, and living you dream life.

I look forward to 2022 and have big plans to make it an amazing year. How about you?

Are you spending the time between the holidays to plan for the coming year, the coming quarter, or maybe what you’d like to accomplish in January?

Goal setting has been essential to my success and everything else that I have accomplished in my life.

Set those goals.

Get very clear on what you want, and WRITE IT DOWN.

Putting goals into writing and then looking at them regularly is a game-changer!

That’s why I invest quite a bit of time and energy this time of the year in putting all that down.

It’s so much easier to know what the next thing you should be working on is.

​Have fun. Stay safe, and let’s enjoy 2022 together!


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