Thank you to those who have already registered for Wednesday's discussion.
For those who haven't, you can register here:
Here are some questions for you to think about to make the discussion more practical and useful:
1 – In your opinion, what needs to happen to make the state a place that better supports artists, creative entrepreneurs and arts organizations? What does support for artists look like? What does support for arts organizations look like? Who else in our creative ecosystem should be supported?
2 – The Office of the Arts (COA) would like to make its activities more transparent to constituents. We’ve begun to share more data, to partner with other organizations to provide more direct and indirect services, do you have suggestions about other ways we can do this?
3. COA is limited in the types of funding it can provide because of the stipulations of the federal funding we receive. For example, we cannot provide basic operating support to artists. During the pandemic, we’ve refocused our funding so that our Operating Support grants (SAP) are our biggest pool of funding. What other kinds of grant programs would be useful?
4. COA wants to do better at supporting teachers, teaching artists and the students they serve. Earlier this year, our long-term staff member Bonnie Koba retired and we will be hiring her replacement in the next few months. How can COA best assist teachers, teaching artists and arts education in general?
5. READI – Relevance, Equity, Access, Diversity and Inclusion is our fundamental value, and we have been working for five years exploring how we can incorporate those values in what we do internally, and how we promote these values externally. a. How are we doing? b. What could we be doing better? c. Has your organization or artistic practice changed because of our READI vision for the arts work in the state?
6. We often talk about the “Arts Infrastructure” in the state – or the lack of an arts infrastructure. What does that phrase mean to you? Do you have ideas about how to strengthen that infrastructure? a. How can we support municipalities to work with creatives to build stronger communities?
Staff will pose questions, listen to your answers, and open the conversation to participants to voice their needs and concerns.
We hope to see you there. |