Subject: Director's Desk: Support Our Annual Fundraiser

Your support will help enrich community & drive the economy

Dear friends:

We end this year filled with gratitude and surrounded by abundance. I am honored to be a part of this vibrant and growing community. 2023 has been a year of incredible impact and positive changes across the artistic landscape. I am inspired by you all!

Across our region, artists and creatives have hosted events, curated exhibitions, developed programs, and held performances that raise the bar of possibilities for other communities that wish to strengthen art and culture.

In our upcoming communications, you will learn about a few CAFC members and initiatives that demonstrate the importance of our work to convene, strengthen, and develop others. Together, we bring vibrancy to where we live and work while enriching our community and driving our local economy. Please consider supporting our organization this month to help us do more next year!

Downtown Bridgeport, CT

Your support enriches community.

Your support drives the local economy.

The arts provide a sense of well being to individuals and a sense of community pride to cities and towns.The local economy is strengthened by this because creative places attract talent, young families, tourism and new businesses, allowing us all to thrive together.

Please donate to CAFC today by clicking below.

"Seaside" mural by Key Detail, 1 Lafayette Circle, Bridgeport

Your gift helps us...

  • host professional development convenings and workshops for artists and creative groups

  • advocate for and with our members for increased support of arts and culture on the municipal, state, and federal levels 

  • create partnerships across Fairfield County 

  • promote our members and amplify arts and culture in our cities and towns

Nests Arts Factory | 2023 Bridgeport Art Trail

Support for CAFC is support for ALL of our members. 

Please help us reach our $25,000 funding goal before December 31, 2023. 

Erika K. Wesley at WPKN recording our Spotlight on Arts and Culture monthly radio show.

Thank you for helping us enrich our communities and serve YOU better!

In partnership,

Erika K. Wesley, Executive Director

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