Subject: New Domain

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A more descriptive name for my services

Who doesn't want to be as strong as possible in all aspects of life? The signifies what I represent and coach.

I am not just about nutrition. I have been involved in the business of fitness most of my life.

I no longer work at any particular gym but I continue to coach fitness both virtually and in person. Now that I am rapidly approaching my sixth decade, I feel the need to share the wisdom I have gained from this old man's journey. I used to teach a class to elders that I called L-Fit, L for longevity. Training for longevity has become my specialty and I will continue to do what I do for as long as I am able.

In my book "Preparing For Hip Surgery" I share my experiences of training for one of the scariest events of my life (it wasn't that bad) and via those words, I hope to make other's experience easier.

One of my side gigs

I've joined a team of consultants to offer my services on a larger scale. Please check out the ConsultationX site and look for my profile. Prices are reasonable and as always I offer a free twenty minute consultation.

Yet another side gig

Get a blood test!

I provide consultations on blood labs. It's called functional blood chemistry. Have a regular blood check up and see how your current nutrition and health regime is really working.

Blood markers don't lie and they can provide clues as to the current health and impending health issues.

On my website, under the "resources" menu, there is a link functional blood chemistry that provides the details on getting labs done. After getting labs done, a report will be generated from the data. The many markers that are contained in that report need to be interpreted and communicated back to the owner of the report. This is where my services come in the form of a consultation and recommendations,


Ever heard of Children's Health Defense?

This is a movement that is very near and dear to me. Some may call it controversial but I call it standing up for what's right. Believing in and supporting truth and justice is a fundamental birth right.

Children's Health Defense is a movement to expose the deception being engineered by the big pharmaceuticals. I place the link here in hopes of spreading good, solid information to those that support me and read my stuff. Mr Kennedy leads the crusade with the CHD.

My background in the Special ops community has ties to the Kennedy administration, from the support of President Kennedy. President Kennedy's nephew, Robert Jr, is another true American warrior. His crusade to protect the environment is far reaching and effective.

Check out the site and sign up for their newsletter to get the latest.

Carnivore living?

This year I shifted my personal nutrition regimen from a mostly vegetable based one to a mostly animal based regimen. I am not a strict carnivore, nor do I intend to be. I eat and thoroughly enjoy what I call "carnivoreish" or "low carb, animal based". This goes against what I was taught in nutrition school. The however is that eating carnivore is not just about eating meat. It has to be well formulated and planned.

The proper way to carnivore eating is termed "nose to tail eating" and means that all or most parts of the animal must be included in the diet. Tendons and organs contain the most important nutrients. Without consuming all parts, we miss out on essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, which will lead to problems quickly.

I conducted my own research and have read extensively on this subject. I recently had bloodwork done on myself and I am very pleased with the markers showing the effects of animal based dieting. Since I am a hunter and have always done very well on animal based foods, this is natural to me.

Although carnivore eating may not work out for everyone, it is worth learning more about and perhaps consuming more farm raised animal products and supporting the local farmers.

My introduction to carnivore living came from Dr Paul Saladino's book "The Carnivore Code".

In this well researched and fascinating book, he gets into the full details. I highly recommend reading this to those who are inclined and interested in some obscure details of animal based eating.

More uses for my homemade multi-use fitness bench I built out of a single 8' 4x4 and some scrap 3/4" plywood. See link to video my son Liam took of some simple and effective ways to use the bench and a Crossover Symmetry door strap. These particular exercises are more posterior chain centric with some calf work as well.

More solid resources for your researching pleasure, FYI:

Carnivore cheat sheet showing the nutrients in various animal based foods.

To mention again because it is so related, my small ebook that explains molecular hydrogen and how to get it. This is an easy to understand document highlighting the myths and benefits of this promising and important molecule.

As always, please send me your questions direct. I would be glad to discuss and or hear about your own research and opinions.

Be watching out for subsequent newsletters as I have plenty of content to share.

In good health,


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