Laws of Nature
After reproductive years (20’s to 30’s), the human body becomes lazy by nature. Nature, in her wisdom, only provides us our body to reproduce and multiply. After that, all bets are off. The process of natural growth and bone/muscle strengthening and development cease and without further intervention, will atrophy. In other words, if you don’t use it you lose it.
However, there are caveats to this and some basic rules must be followed. No willy-nilly working out and eating low quality food. Now we need a plan.
Plan for Longevity
Keep it all working. Just like an old car you would drive different than a new one. Muscles and bone are only as strong as they need to be. If the only weight you lift is a pencil, then your muscles will shrink and adapt to do what is necessary and meet the demands placed on them. Same thing occurs when one exercises and does resistance training, only the opposite effect, but still adaptation.
My point here is that as we age beyond the growth and reproductive years, we must “hack the system and slightly trick nature into giving us some more good years. We take advantage of gravity instead of letting it take advantage of us. Poor nutrition stops fueling us. We cannot just get by on eating anything we want. We must ensure that we are putting in the right raw materials or else we will slowly (or quickly) digress as nature intended. We can no longer punish our bodies with the wrong type or too frequent exercise.
Watch out for the invisible hormone disrupters in the environment!
We can't control all aspects of our environment but we can do things to lesson our environmental exposure like not drinking or eating out of plastics, buying non-toxic cleaning supplies, switching to natural scents and unscented products like bath soap, dishwashing liquid and detergent. Avoid microwave exposure and limit cooking in a microwave oven. This is but a very few and there are many more that we don't realize.
Heart Escabeche recipe
Even if you can't get venison, a well sourced beef heart is just as good.
Discovering heart escabeche on a recent episode of Steven Rinella's "Meateater" made me say "why didn't I think of that?"
Get a blood test!
I provide consultations on blood labs. It's called functional blood chemistry. Have a regular blood check up and see how your current nutrition and health regime is really working.
Blood markers don't lie and they can provide clues as to the current health and impending health issues.
On my website, under the "resources" menu, there is a link functional blood chemistry that provides the details on getting labs done. After getting labs done, a report will be generated from the data. The many markers that are contained in that report need to be interpreted and communicated back to the owner of the report. This is where my services come in the form of a consultation and recommendations,