Subject: Get Wired

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Health and Nutrition with a twist

Preaching about clean food and water is part of my job and part of my nature. I like to do my part in the health space and sharing often obscure findings is a passion of mine.

This post is about clean air, not in the usual sense but in an electrical sense. Electronic pollution to be more precise. There are many different types of air pollution and electricity is but one.

I have known about the dangers of radio waves since becoming a Special Forces communications operator in 1989. That same year I became a licensed amateur radio operator as I was entrenched in radio wave propagation, antenna construction and several technical endeavors to strengthen my craft. Back then, the microwave frequencies were thought of as junk frequencies used only for microwave ovens and direct line of sight communications for experimenters. We knew that we did not want to be exposed to those frequencies.

I was first alerted to “The Invisible Rainbow” by a post on FB, which led me down a huge rabbit hole. This research journey confirmed and strengthened what I already knew. I think this is a very valid and concerning hypothesis. Our technology has gotten out of hand and now it is doing things unimaginable to our health. This will become more intense and valid as more satellites are launched and activated, as well as the spreading of 5g technology.


Try old fashioned Ethernet

You may think I have gone mad and maybe I have and just don’t realize it yet. But I do believe that I am of sound mind and body. If I am right, then I have helped my readers. If I'm wrong, then you perhaps endured a few inconveniences of not being wireless. I remember a time not that long ago when a wireless device was a wiz-bang gadget only had by technophiles like myself. I have realized from my own experience and personal research that we have gone too far with some technologies. We may be saturating our own environments with harmful radiation and most are not aware of it. I have become serious enough with this that I have made my home office free of wifi and have turned off wifi on my notebook computer and plug in to the network. I also switched back to the "old ways" with a corded USB mouse and keyboard. I bought an Ethernet junction/splitter that I plug other computers into to access the network. There are other advantages to this besides reduction of EMF such as faster access speed, and greater security. The only downside is the amount of cords now on my desktop. I have done the same with my kids computers and they sure did protest.

Going back to wired connectivity is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to reducing electronic pollution in our homes. The books and resources listed below are a great way to learn more and get started on cleaning up your home. It is definitely worth the effort.

My homemade multi-use fitness bench I built out of a single 8' 4x4 and some scrap 3/4" plywood. See link to video my son Liam took of some simple and effective ways to use the bench, a Crossover Symmetry door strap and a TRX. The more I use this, the more ideas I get for it. I also have an upcoming ab routine on You Tube using this bench.

More solid resources for your researching pleasure, FYI:

We are fortunate to be able to pull back the curtains and blow away the smoke and shatter the mirrors of deception and have access to the real science being done by the genuine and honest.

Latest Dr Mercola book - EMF*D

This book goes into detail on how to remediate and protect against EMF from a broad and personal perspective.

Article highlighting "dirty electricity" and its association with disease epidemics.

This book provides well researched historical evidence of illness being linked to major electrical events - The Invisible Rainbow

Zapped - Outsmarting The Hazards of Electronic Pollution

Dirty Electricity

Electrification and diseases of civilization

To mention again because it is so related, my small ebook that explains molecular hydrogen. This is an easy to understand document highlighting the myths and benefits of this promising and important molecule. Molecular hydrogen is also mentioned in Mercola's book as a possible remediation supplement for EMF.

As always, please send me your questions direct. I would be glad to discuss and or hear about your own research and opinions.

In good health,


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