Subject: Fix Your Shoulders

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sledge hammer hip and shoulder warmup

Shoulder health and rehab

 I often get asked about my shoulder health. Over the years I have sustained several shoulder injuries. From over use to training incidents, and fortunately I have been able to recover for the most part. I regularly do strict bodyweight pull ups as well as daily mobility exercises to keep my shoulder girdle working.

Recently, I started doing the forgotten "Sots Press". This is where you press overhead while at the bottom of your squat. Sounds easier than it actually is. As healthy as my shoulders feel, I quickly discovered that my Sots Press had become very "rusty" from lack of training in this movement.

Back in my early CrossFit days, I taught and trained this movement, but like many other exercises I have learned, it gradually faded into the dark recesses of my knowledge base.

I am thankful to have brought this back into my training. For now, and I am taking baby steps with very light weights until I have the mobility back.

This barbend article shows the detail of a properly executed Sots Press.

Without mobility there is no strength

Ponder this, if you can't work the joint in a range of motion, you can't develop it or make it stronger in that range of motion. You can only strengthen your range of motion, wherever that may be. A perfect example is my rusty Sots Press.

Regular band training

I attribute my shoulder health to the Crossover Symmetry system that I have been using and endorsing for years.

Although I regularly adhere to the Crossover Symmetry activation and strengthening protocol, I had not expanded on this and worked this squatting press. I have since incorporated some new movements to further open up my chest and increase the range of my shoulder movement.

3 day BOGO sale at Crossover Symmetry

I just ordered some replacement bands for my well used system and took advantage of this sale.

One of the great advantages of this system is the available training platform included with each system purchased. You are given complete access to the training videos and instructional content.

Now would be a great time to get your own band system at a deep discount. Yes, I am an affiliate and independent rep and trainer for the company and I do receive a small commission for the sale of their equipment. It is a win-win!

Please check out My affiliate link to the Crossover Symmetry site and learn more. Use code BOGO21 for purchases. Hurry, because it ends in three days (2/8/21).


Tiny but Mighty Molecular hydrogen ebook cover

I look forward to sharing my experiences and progress on my own Sot's Press and oh yea, Turkish Get Ups. TGU is another often forgotten bit of gold exercise that can be strengthened by using the band system.

Until next time, please send me your questions direct. I would be glad to discuss and or hear about your own shoulder injury and rehab experiences.

In good health,



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