Subject: December 8, 2016 Trade Alert #4 - Earnings Eagle Portfolio – limit order change

December 8, 2016 Trade Alert #4 - Earnings Eagle Portfolio – limit order change

December 8th, 2016 at 10:49 am EST

December 8, 2016 Trade Alert #4 - Earnings Eagle Portfolio limit order change We will change our limit: BTO 5 AVGO 13Jan17 170 calls (AVGO170113C170)STO 5 AVGO 09Dec16 170 calls (AVGO161209C170) for a debit limit of $2.45 (buying a calendar) H ...

December 8, 2016 Trade Alert #3 - Earnings Eagle Portfolio – limit order

December 8th, 2016 at 10:19 am EST

December 8, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio limit order Our COST experience tells us that we should add some upside protection: BTO 5 AVGO 13Jan17 170 calls (AVGO170113C170) STO 5 AVGO 09Dec16 170 calls (AVGO161209C170) for a debit ...

December 8, 2016 Trade Alert #2 - Earnings Eagle Portfolio – limit order

December 8th, 2016 at 10:10 am EST

December 8, 2016 Trade Alert #2 - Earnings Eagle Portfolio limit order We will take this price if we can get it: BTC 7 COST 09Dec17 155 calls (COST161209C155) STC 7 COST 20Jan17 155 calls (COST170120C155) for a credit limit of $2.10 (selling a ...

December 8, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio – limit order

December 8th, 2016 at 10:02 am EST

December 8, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio limit order We are too exposed on the upside. Taking off this spread will help: BTC 7 COST 09Dec17 150 puts (COST161209P150) for $.03 (no commission) STC 7 COST 20Jan17 150 puts (COST17 ...

December 7, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio

December 7th, 2016 at 3:01 pm EST

December 7, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio With the stock up strongly today, we should make an upside tweak. Earnings will be announced in a little over one hour: BTO 4 COST 13Jan17 157.5 calls (COST170113C157.5) STO 4 COST 09Dec1 ...

December 6, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio

December 6th, 2016 at 12:35 pm EST

December 6, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio Broadcom (AVGO) has exceeded expectations for the last 8 quarters but it does not always go up after announcing. It announces this Thursday after the close. The average change after announ ...

December 5, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio

December 5th, 2016 at 11:46 am EST

December 5, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio Costco announces earnings after the close on Wednesday. If the post-announcement change in price is moderate, these trades should show a gain: BTO 7 COST 20Jan17 150 puts (COST170120P150) ...

December 2, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio – limit orders

December 2nd, 2016 at 10:53 am EST

December 2, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio limit orders The stock is fluctuating all over the place. While there is still a lot of time premium in the expiring puts, if we can get these limits, a nice gain will result: BTC 5 ULTA ...

November 29, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio

November 29th, 2016 at 10:05 am EST

November 29, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio This company has a long record of exceeding estimates and IV for this week s options is 85 compared to 33 for the 20Jan17 series. If the post-announcement change is not exorbitant, this co ...

November 18, 2016 Trade Alert #2 - Earnings Eagle Portfolio

November 18th, 2016 at 2:43 pm EST

November 18, 2016 Trade Alert #2 - Earnings Eagle Portfolio This trade will close out our GILD positions: BTC 3 GILD 18Nov16 75 puts (GILD161118P75 STC 3 GILD 16Dec16 70 puts (GILD161216P70) for a debit of $.00 (selling a diagonal) Be prepared t ...