Subject: June 18, 2018 Terry’s Tips Trade Alert – Earnings Eagle Portfolio

June 18, 2018 Terry’s Tips Trade Alert – Earnings Eagle Portfolio

These will be the four of the five companies we will select for our six-month play. We will wait to place the fifth company until these execute and we see how much cash we have remaining.  Each spread will make the max gain as long as the stock does not fall more than 5% where it is trading today, and that gain seems to be about 30% for the six months:

BTO 1 HD 18Jan19 180 put (HD190118P180)
STO 1 HD 18Jan19 190 put (HD190118P190) for a credit of $2.51 (selling a vertical)

BTO 3 MSFT 18Jan19 90 puts (MSFT190118P90)
STO 3 MSFT 18Jan19 95 puts (MSFT190118P95) for a credit of $1.37 (selling a vertical)

BTO 3 JNJ 18Jan19 110 puts (JNJ190118P110)
STO 3 JNJ 18Jan19 115 puts (JNJ190118P115) for a credit of $1.26 (selling a vertical)

BTO 1 GOOGL 18Jan19 1100 put (GOOGL190118P1100)
STO 1 GOOGL 18Jan19 1110 put (GOOGL190118P1110) for a credit of $3.10 (selling a vertical)

Be prepared to change these price limits by $.05 or more in order to get an execution.

Happy trading.


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