Subject: January 20, 2017 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio
January 20, 2017 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio
We will close out our positions today:
BTC 8 IBM 20Jan17 162.5 puts (IBM170120P162.5) for $.05 (no commission)
STC 8 IBM 24Feb17 162.5 puts (IBM170224P162.5) for $1.70
BTC 8 IBM 20Jan17 165 calls (IBM170120C165)
STC 8 IBM 24Feb17 165 calls (IBM170224C165) for a credit of $1.50 (selling a calendar)
BTC 8 IBM 20Jan17 167.5 calls (IBM170120C167.5)
STC 8 IBM 24Feb17 167.5 calls (IBM170224C167.5) for a credit of $1.98 (selling a calendar)
BTC 8 IBM 20Jan17 170 calls (IBM170120C170)
STC 8 IBM 24Feb17 170 calls (IBM170224C170) for a credit of $1.50 (selling a calendar)
BTC 8 IBM 20Jan17 172.5 calls (IBM170120C172.5) for $.05 (no commission)
STC 8 IBM 24Feb17 172.5 calls (IBM170224C172.5) for $.90
Be prepared to change these price limits by $.05 or more in order to get an execution.
Happy trading.
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