Subject: December 5, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio
December 5, 2016 Trade Alert - Earnings Eagle Portfolio
Costco announces earnings after the close on Wednesday. If the post-announcement change in price is
moderate, these trades should show a gain:
BTO 7 COST 20Jan17 150 puts (COST170120P150)
STO 7 COST 09Dec17 150 puts (COST161209P150) for a debit of $1.66 (buying a calendar)
BTO 7 COST 20Jan17 155 calls (COST170120C155)
STO 7 COST 09Dec17 155 calls (COST161209C155) for a debit of $1.60 (buying a calendar)
Be prepared to change these price limits by $.05 or more in order to get an execution.
Happy trading.
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