. POP QUIZ, which entrepreneur are you?
Okay I have an important question for you that’s going to shape the kind of content that I send you in the future. I want to make sure I am creating content that best helps you and moves you forward!
The question?
Which Entrepreneur Are you? One) I am a complete newbie and have never made any money online. I don’t even know where to begin but I’m driven to succeed!
Two) I have made a little money online but have had no real sustainable online success and have not been able to do this full time.
Three) I have an online business that is making money but I’d like to be making much more and can’t seem to get over that next hurdle.
Four) I am making great money online and am just looking for a few strategies here and a few golden nuggets there to constantly improve myself and my business. So that’s it. Just email me at: quiz@mikemospan.com with a 1, 2, 3 or 4 and I will tally them up. Thank you so much for helping me. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Maximum respect! ~ Mike Mospan ~ note: Be sure to reply to this email and let me know which kind of entrepreneur you are. If you don’t see yourself on that list, PLEASE respond to this email and let me know what kind of entrepreneur I forgot to add.
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