Subject: Reporting Verbs video PLUS video worksheets from

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Updates, January 2021
Sheldon Smith
Guangzhou, China
A new video on the EAP Foundation YouTube channel, plus some video worksheets.

Yt Reporting Verbs YouTube video

Reporting verbs are used when citing other writer's work or ideas. Examples of reporting verbs are state, argue, discuss and report. This video looks in depth at reporting verbs, including differences in meaning, strength and grammar usage. It also shows examples in an authentic academic text. The video includes a worksheet for student/teacher use (see below for more information).

As always, you can also catch the video on Youku if you are somewhere where YouTube is not available.

If you like the videos, don't forget to subscribe to the EAP Foundation YouTube channel

YouTube videos: worksheets


YouTube videos can be great for study - but learning is increased through active engagement rather than just watching. Hence, the YouTube video worksheets. They are intended to be used flexibly, which could mean teachers using them in the classroom, or students using them independently. Each worksheet comes with separate answers/lesson plan document.

Right now, I've just developed worksheets for the reporting verbs video, released this month, and the AWL highlighters video, which is the first one on the channel. As time goes by I will develop worksheets for all the videos. Stay tuned!

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EAPFOUNDATION .COM © 2013-present by Sheldon C H Smith.