Subject: Quizzes for Academic English, by

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Quizzes for Academic English

A fun way to learn
Sheldon Smith
November 2022

Can you complete these academic idioms?

- full ______ meaning 'returning to its original place'

- across the ______ meaning 'including or applying to all'

- trial and ______ meaning 'experimenting until a solution is found'

Hint: the first word is a shape, beginning with c-, the second is needed to play chess, beginning with b- (not bishop!) and the third is a synonym for mistake, beginning with e-.

Test your knowledge of academic idioms with these new quizzes.

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Like those? There are more quizzes, old and new.

Other recently added quizzes are for 10 words from sublist 2 of the AWL. You can find them in the newly upgraded Quiz section of the site, from where you can access all quizzes, see scores for any completed quizzes, and launch the quizzes themselves.


More quizzes (and other exciting new content) coming soon!


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