Subject: [New videos] Transition Signals - EAP Foundation Newsletter, December 2020

Updates, December 2020
Sheldon Smith
Guangzhou, China
Two new videos on the EAP Foundation YouTube channel, both on the topic of transition signals. Neither of the videos is in any way festive - but, happy holidays anyway!

Transition Signals videos

Transition signals – also called linkers, linking devices, discourse connectors or cohesive devices – are words or phrases used in writing or speaking to help the reader understand the links between ideas. Examples are However, Moreover, and For example. They are an important aspect of cohesion, and are especially common in academic writing.

These two videos take an in-depth look at transition signals.

transitions1 The first gives a definition, looks at grammar, explains common problems students have, and shows how to use a concordancer and a highlighter to study signals in authentic texts.

transitions2 The second video takes a closer look at different types of transition signal (e.g. Addition, Comparison, Cause, Emphasis, Chronological Order), with many example sentences.

Yt Yk As always, you can catch the video on Youku if you are somewhere where YouTube is unavailable.

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