Subject: New video series: Enrich Your Vocabulary for IELTS + TOEFL (UPDATES from, February 2022)

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Enrich Your Vocabulary for IELTS + TOEFL
Sheldon Smith
February 2022
This month sees the launch of a new video series: Enrich Your Vocabulary for IELTS + TOEFL.

Enrich Your Vocabulary: Video #1

Enrich Your Vocabulary for IELTS + TOEFL is a series of videos that focus on different topics and target the kind of vocabulary needed to score higher on these tests. The first video covers physical health, and includes words such as calorie, cardiovascular disease, chronic, diabetes, diet and physical activity.


About the series

The vocabulary is carefully chosen using recognised word lists such as the Academic Word List (AWL), Academic Vocabulary List (AVL) and the Academic Collocation List (ACL). The last of these is especially important in order to improve collocation use, an area assessed by these exams.

Research has shown that comfortable reading comprehension requires knowledge of around 8000-9000 words, which means that studying only high-frequency words (1k-3k, i.e. the first 3000 words by frequency) is not enough, and the mid-frequency range (3001-9000, i.e. 4k-9k) is essential, and this is also a focus of the series. Knowledge of these words will also increase range of vocabulary and allow use of less common items, which are assessed in the IELTS and TOEFL exams.

All videos are accompanied by interactive exercises, along with an authentic reading text for extra exposure to the words.


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