Subject: [New video] Avoiding Plagiarism - Newsletter, July 2020

Updates, July 2020
Sheldon Smith
Guangzhou, China
I've been busy over the summer creating new webpages, videos and other resources. Below are some highlights. More soon!

Avoiding Plagiarism: video and webpage

This video, #6 in the EAP Shorts series, looks at plagiarism: what it is, types, reasons why students plagiarise, and how to avoid plagiarism. It is accompanied by a corresponding page on the website, with more detailed information.

Infographics: ACL and Reporting Verbs


A couple of new infographics this month. The first is for the Academic Collocation List (ACL), which I posted a video of last month. The second is for reporting verbs, which are used when reporting (referring to) the work of other writers.

In case you missed it... June newsletter

Last month's newsletter had some deliverability issues (teething problems from switching the site to a new host). In case you missed the June newsletter, you can view it online, and find out more about the EAP resource bank, Academic Idioms List and Academic Collocation List YouTube video.

Help support the site via Patreon

The mission of EAP Foundation website is to provide freely available resources for students (and teachers) of English for Academic Purposes (EAP). Patreon helps to make that possible. Thanks to all patrons for your support!

Check out, where you can join the community for as little as $1 per month. The video below has more information.

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EAPFOUNDATION .COM © 2013-present by Sheldon C H Smith.