Subject: Introducing EAP Quizzes - Newsletter, October 2020

Updates, October 2020
Sheldon Smith
Guangzhou, China
Two major updates this month: a new section of the website, titled Quizzes; and the three book series, Unlock the Academic Word List.

EAP Quizzes

The website already has many exercises for practising different areas of EAP, but they are spread over different pages of the site. The new Quizzes section brings them together in one place, with some neat additional features.
    - Keep track of which quizzes you have taken.
    - See highest score, latest score, etc.
    - Filter quizzes e.g. to find quizzes taken/not taken.

In addition to existing quizzes, there are new quizzes for the Academic Collocation List (one for verb and adverb collocations, another for verb and adjective collocations), plus a series of 10 quizzes for sublist 1 of the Academic Word List. More quizzes (and features) will be added soon.

Note: You need to log in to access the quizzes - but it is free to register, and all current quizzes are free to access.

Unlock the Academic Word List series


Unlock the Academic Word List is a series of three books, covering all 570 words in the Academic Word List (AWL).

Each book gives detailed information about each of the words, including pronunciation, definitions, word form, word family and common academic collocations.

There are comprehensive exercises for each sublist to help you use the words productively.

A unique feature of each book is that it gives only the most common meanings of the words as used in academic contexts, rather than all possible meanings, saving much time and effort.

Want to find out more? You can access a free sample of the first book, containing complete information about sublist 1, as well as practice exercises.

You can also purchase the books (PDF and ePUB/MOBI) directly from the Evident Press site, and enjoy a 40% discount by using the following code:


Other updates

While the Quizzes and books have taken up quite a bit of time (most of the 8 day National Day/Mid-Autumn Day Holiday for the former, the summer holiday for the latter), there are a few other things I've been working on.

One is adding some more podcasts for existing pages on the site.

Another is updating information on the critical writing page, to clarify definitions and to link critical and descriptive writing to Bloom's taxonomy.

While working on the Unlock the Academic Word List books, I also updated the AWL Word Finder tool on the website, to reflect information in the books. This tool shows pronunciation, word forms, collocations and definitions for all words in the AWL, with definitions limited to those used in academic contexts (this is the part that's updated).

Help support the site via Patreon

So, it costs me quite a lot to keep all this going: web hosting, costs for sending emails, plus subscriptions for video creation and podcast hosting. Support from patrons at Patreon helps to ensure I can continue to provide freely available resources for students (and teachers) of English for Academic Purposes (EAP). Thanks to all patrons for your support!

You can join the community from as little as $1 per month.

The video below has some more information on EAP Foundation and Patreon.

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EAPFOUNDATION .COM © 2013-present by Sheldon C H Smith.