Subject: Newsletter 2019 Q1

Quarterly Newsletter, 2019 Q1 (Jan-Mar)
Welcome to the update for the first quarter of 2019. This newsletter is dedicated to the second book in the EAP Foundation series.

Sheldon Smith

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Academic Writing Genres

Academic Writing Genres, the second book in the EAP Foundation series, is now available. This has taken me longer than expected to finish, but for a reason. It is an extensive book, 425 pages (paperback edition), covering all common academic genres. As with the first book in the series, a free sample is available. The sample includes the Introduction and two complete units.

Get free sample »

What does the book cover?

A simple way to show the contents is with the graphic (below) which gives an overview of the units. The book is divided into four parts, with the largest being the section on essays, the most common genre for academic study. The reports section is also extensive. Other genres such as posters, reflective writing and research proposals, as well as genre elements (abstracts and literature reviews), are also covered.


Up Next

Now that the book is finished, I can get back to the website. Expect many more updates. More in the next newsletter.

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EAPFOUNDATION .COM © 2013-present by Sheldon C H Smith.