Subject: Newsletter 2018 Q3

Quarterly Newsletter, 2018 Q3 (Jul-Sep)
Welcome to the update for the third quarter of 2018.

For those of you who (like me!) are in China, happy National Day (国庆节快乐)!

Sheldon Smith

New pages

Recently added pages relate to vocabulary building. There is a page looking at this, plus separate sections looking at common prefixes, suffixes and word roots. There are exercises and podcasts for all the new pages.

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This is an area I am coming back to (after years of neglect). While the earliest pages added to the site (in the presentations section) all had podcasts, these take a long time to produce so I focused more on adding content. I am now going back and adding podcasts to existing sections, with slightly better equipment than before. The podcasts are essentially spoken versions of the page, but modified to include signpost phrases, so they are easier to listen to. Great for:
   -  students on the go;
   -  listening practice;
   -  listening classes.

Podcasts can be played on (and downloaded from) the page they are on. Alternatively you can look for them in the special podcasts section.

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Exercises are another area I am refocusing my efforts on. Recently added exercises are for the building vocabulary pages mentioned above. Remember that when you log in, you can quickly see which pages have exercises, as well as which pages have had exercises added since your last login session. I plan to send out separate newsletters to login section users in future so they can catch the updates more regularly.

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EAP Foundation series

A couple of updates for the EAP Foundation series of books. First, I'm excited to announce that books in the EAP Foundation series can now be ordered in bulk direct from the publisher, with savings of up to 25% (exact amount depends on country). Shipping is free for orders over 5 copies. Perfect for:
   -  schools or universities wanting class sets;
   -  students ordering together.

Secondly, several of you have been asking about the publication date of Academic Writing Genres, the next book in the EAP Foundation series. There have been a few things holding this up (not least, the day job!). However, things are looking good and publication is set for end of December. Details in the next newsletter!

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Just joined? Want to catch up?

If you are a recent subscriber you may have missed some of the previous quarterly newsletters from You can access them via the links below, or by visiting the newsletters section of the website.

17 Q3 (Jul-Sep) »
17 Q4 (Oct-Dec) »
18 Q1 (Jan-Mar) »
18 Q2 (Apr-Jun) »

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EAPFOUNDATION .COM © 2013-present by Sheldon C H Smith.