Subject: Newsletter 2018 Q1

Quarterly Newsletter, 2018 Q1 (Jan-Mar)
Welcome to the update for the first quarter of 2018!

Three things to tell you about in this issue. The first is some recent updates to the website (writing process section). The second is something I've spent a huge amount of time recently and am very excited about, namely a series of online courses for EAP. Finally, there's a reminder of the EAP Foundation series of books.

I'd love to know what you think of any or all of these.

Sheldon Smith

Website updates

As promised in the previous newsletter, I've been spending time adding new content to the website. I've recently been working on the writing process section, and this is now complete, from understanding the title through to proofreading before submission. Up next, the vocabulary study section, plus additional exercises.

Go to Writing Process »

Unlock the AWL: FREE Email/Online Course

I've been exploring ways to present more interactive content to students. This course is the result. It's FREE (and comes with a free ebook!) and works in a unique way, combining a series of emails with online quizzes to check comprehension. I will send another email soon with more details, but the course is live and you can check it out and subscribe right now.

Start learning now »

EAP Foundation series

Other books in the EAP Foundation series will be released later this year. In the meantime, don't forget to check out (if you haven't already) the first book in the series, EAP Foundation: Academic Presentations. You can grab a free sample of the book using the link below.

Get free sample »

Just joined? Want to catch up?

If you are a recent subscriber you may have missed some of the previous quarterly newsletters from You can access them via the buttons below.

17 Q3 (Jul-Sep) »
17 Q4 (Oct-Dec) »

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EAPFOUNDATION .COM © 2013-present by Sheldon C H Smith.