Subject: Newsletter 2017 Q4 Quarterly, 2017 Q4
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Quarterly Newsletter, 2017 Q4 (Oct-Dec)
Below is the latest information from Exciting news this month is the release of the first book in the EAP Foundation series, published by Evident Press.

EAP Foundation series

The first in a series of academic English text books, EAP Foundation: Academic Presentations, was recently published by Evident Press. The book is a complete course in giving presentations in an academic context, including areas such as preparing a presentation, presentation structure, language, body language, delivery and visual aids. Each unit concludes with a range of exercises. Full answers are included. Each book in the series comes with free online resources, available using the access code provided in the book. The book can be purchased in paperback or electronic editions.

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About Evident Press

Evident Press is an independent publisher specialising in academic texts. It currently publishes the EAP Foundation series and books for Chinese language learning.

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Try a sample

A sample of the book is available for free download (PDF format). The sample includes the whole of the first unit (Unit 1: Preparation and Planning).

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The YouTube channel has been a side project, and there are only a handful of videos at the moment: one on online AWL highlighters (seems to be quite popular), another on note-taking styles. More will follow soon, eventually covering all areas of academic English. Subscribe to be notified of new additions.

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Website updates

Meeting the January deadline of the first EAP Foundation book means there have not been many recent updates to the website. That will change over the coming months as various areas get updated and expanded. More in the next newsletter.

Next up...

The second book in the EAP Foundation series, also published by Evident Press, will be EAP Foundation: Academic Writing Genres. The book will cover the different genres students need to write at university, including essays, reports, dissertations and abstracts. A main focus will be common essay types such as cause and effect, compare and contrast, problem/solution, discussion and argument. The book will include example essays to help students understand the structure and provide context for the language features. More information in future newsletters.

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