Subject: Academic collocations video, academic idioms and other updates from, Jun 2020

Updates, June 2020
Since the last newsletter, the coronavirus situation here in China has stabilised and schools, including the one where I work, have restarted, while the rest of the world has gone online. As before, I hope you are staying healthy and continuing with the important task of education.

Sheldon Smith
Guangzhou, China

EAP Resource Bank

As EAP pre-sessional courses moved online, teachers were looking for and recommending online resources for academic English. This EAP resource bank gives some personal favourites and others that were recommended by EAP professionals.

Academic Idioms List

Although it is often assumed that idioms are too informal for use in academic English, two studies have identified idioms which occur fairly frequently in spoken and written texts. The academic idioms list comes from the most recent study, by Julia Miller (2019) published in the Journal of EAP.

Academic Collocations List: video

This video gives an overview of the Academic Collocations List (2,469 of the most frequent and useful collocations in written academic English), with some examples, as well as some ways to learn academic collocations.

Youku video channel youku

For those who cannot access the YouTube videos because of restrictions in their country, I created this Youku video channel (mainly for Chinese users, but should work in other countries too).

Academic Vocabulary List (AVL)

The AVL (Academic Vocabulary List) is a list of 'core' academic vocabulary, which excludes general high-frequency words as well as subject-specific (technical) words. It is intended to be an updated version of the Academic Word List (AWL), derived using different principles. The site includes an AVL highlighter, plus a highlighter which shows both AVL and AWL words.

Medical word lists

There are two specialist lists for medical students which have been added to the site: the MAVL (Medical Academic Vocabulary List), derived in a similar way to the AVL; and the MAWL (Medical Academic Word List), derived using principles similar to the AWL. Both lists come with highlighters.


The mission of EAP Foundation website is to provide freely available resources for students (and teachers) of English for Academic Purposes (EAP). Patreon helps to make that possible. Thanks to all patrons for your support!

Check out, where you can join the community for as little as $1 per month. The video below has more information.

Recent additional expenses to the site are for better webhosting (I actually changed hosts twice since the last newsletter, looking for something faster and more reliable), and subscriptions to two video creation sites, Powtoon and Videoscribe - which will be used quite a bit over the coming weeks, now that I am officially on holiday!

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EAPFOUNDATION .COM © 2013-present by Sheldon C H Smith.