Subject: Top 20 most effective list mailers for 2022

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Hi Friend,

I hope you've had a great a holiday time
with friends and family, and that you've

recharged your batteries for a productive

January is one of the best months
for us online marketers as many people
are open for new opportunities and
solutions that can help them grow
their businesses.


I've just summarized 2021 to bring you
a list of the top 20 best performing
list mailers during the entire year.

In other words, lists that keep delivering
month after month, and are

MUST HAVES for your business.

Here they are:

Wanna experience results like these
from your own mailings?

Pick up your free copy of

E-Mail Marketing Manifesto +
the 4 priceless bonuses TODAY:

Yours in Mailing Mastery,

Per Kinnander

Skype: perkinnander

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