Subject: Hey there!

Hey there!

My goal is to help you achieve financial independence, by guiding you, as you build a long-term, sustainable, online business.

I am still on my journey myself, but I have learned a lot along the way, and continue to every single day.

So when I send you an email, it will typically be something I have learned that helped me and that I believe will get you closer to financial freedom.

I need to be brutally honest with you (like I always will)...

There are A LOT of people out there giving advice about how to make money online, and frankly, 99% of them are out to take your money, and couldn't care less about your success.

But I consider myself lucky that I found a mentor that is different…

His name is Keala Kanae, and not only is he an absolute genius when it comes to building a successful online business, he also has a huge heart and genuinely cares about my success (and soon to be yours).

For now, I want to share a video Keala recently shot that will talk about an amazing online class that you don't want to miss!

Check out this life changing video now 

To your success,


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