Subject: Do You Have a Case of the Mondays?

Hi Friend,

The movie Office Space said it best, "Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays."

Even though the quote was meant to be funny, I know I've been there.

I bet you have too.

Monday doesn't have to be the dreaded first day of the week.

If we shift our focus it can be a day of opportunity, fresh starts, and set the tone for the rest of the week.

But how?

Here are a few tips to make Mondays a great day!

  1. Sunlight! I am solar-powered. No question about it. Our bodies are designed to wake up with the natural light of the sun. I used to be guilty of hitting the snooze button multiple times then rushing to get out the door and to work on time. Now I wake up with the first sign of light and haven't need an alarm in 3 years. Depending on where you live or what time of year it is, this can be a challenge but there are plenty of products on the market such as sun lamps that will imitate the light of the sun for when you wake up. So ditch the alarm and the snooze button and use nature's alarm to get you going in the morning.

  2. Take some time to plan ahead for the week. Important meetings, plan your meals, gym time, family time. Things go much smoother, and I find things to be much less stressful if everything is planned out and I don't have to worry about what I am doing and when

  3. Music! Start your morning by listening to your favorite tunes while you get ready. Have a significant other you're trying not to disturb? Throw on some headphones or ear pods and jam your way into a good morning.

  4. Practice positivity and gratitude! Even in the darkest of times, there is something to be grateful for. Maybe you don't love your job, but at least you have one and it's providing for you and your family. You have a family that loves you. Hopefully, you have your health. For example, instead of saying, "Ugh, I have to go to work today." Try, "I get to go to work today and provide for myself and my family."

  5. Laugh! Laughter can truly be some of the best medicine. Find a witty or funny coworker and chat for a few minutes. Find something funny to watch or listen to online. For inspiration, you can search for "contagious laughter videos" to jumpstart your Monday.

Yours in Success,


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