Subject: Can we be friends?

Looks like you really missed out.

What I mean is… if you’re reading this right now it’s because chances are you missed out on the opportunity to register for the Business Launch Challenge.

That’s okay. 

I get that life sometimes gets in the way… and I still have a few cool things coming your way soon.

First though… I wanted to take a moment to get to know each other really quick.

You see, before I found Freelance Marketing, I was working as a government employee.

Now, I didn’t hate my life or anything.

I lived in Tucson, AZ and was actually quite happy.

Yet something was missing…

Like most people, my life was dictated by the goals and dreams of someone else (i.e. my boss).

Now I don’t know about you… but I think just about everyone longs to be free.

To have dominion over their life, their time, and their future.

Then one day I was online and I just so happened to stumble across Keala Kanae.

I mean, here’s a guy who was working in a coffee shop and living in his mom’s spare bedroom at 29 years old…

...and went on to not just earn millions with his online businesses… but help and inspire others to achieve their goals and dreams, too.

And how many Baristas can say that?

Truthfully, I didn’t want to believe it at first.

I scoured the internet looking up “dirt”.

I read about him, Fullstaq Marketer, his previous companies and more.

I watched videos from the haters and the followers alike.

Some people said great things and others said nasty, awful things, too.

I eventually came to the conclusion that the only way to truly know would be to see for myself.

So I reluctantly dove in.

And you know what?

I’m glad I did.

Since getting started with Fullstaq Marketer, I haven’t looked back.

Today, I have an online business that works for me around the clock, 24/7, whether I’m working or not.

People can buy from me anywhere in the world, too.

And when they do, I earn commissions.

Listen, I’m far from rich… but at least I’m on my way.

And that’s a lot more than most folks can say, don’t ya think?

Today, I’m confident and certain about my future and where it’s headed and I feel inspired about my life and the life of my family again.

But anyway… that’s enough about me.

If you’re up for it, reply to this email and tell me a little about you.

Who are you? What do you do? What caused you to sign up for these emails? Married? Kids? Goals?

It’s up to you what to share, of course.

And I’ll personally respond as well :-)

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I look forward to sending you more helpful stuff going forward.



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