Subject: When McDonald's Cried

The year was 2002.

McDonald's previous CEO of 28 years retired.

So they brought in a new guy, to freshen up the company with new ideas, marketing strategies and money-raking insights.

What was this new guy's idea to increase revenue?

Enter the one dollar menu.

Millions of dollars spend on advertising.

Tens of thousands of employees educated on the new menu.

Thousands of McDonald's stores ecstatic with the new menu and the potential profits.

Only that the profits didn't increase.

The customers loved the one dollar menu.

But it wasn't profitable for the McDonald's stores.

Somehow the new CEO didn't predict the problems that come with such low prices.

Most clients bought once the dollar menu but they didn't eat more on their visit.

A family of two would spend $10-12 before.

Now they would spend $4 and that was it.

The amount of customers entering McDonald's was the same.

But the earnings were butchered by 50-60% overnight.

Seven hundred stores closed.

It took McDonald's years to stand back on their feet.

All because they didn't stick to their proven system and didn't apply basic math.

And I see people making the same type of mistake online.

They see a revolutionary new opportunity and jump right into it.

They might even stop

And what happens?

The opportunity might be one like the decent ones that uses flashier marketing.

The worst? It closes down and take with it the money you spend and the time you invested.

Is there a solution?

Of course.

It's the same thing the CEO of McDonald's should have followed.

Stick with a system that has worked for years.

When you make sure the system works, you can tweek a thing or two.

But the foundation must be solid.

The system followed by any company must be battle and time tested.

McDonald's had their own and they did the mistake of changing it.

I bet you don't want to behave like they did.

In this case, you can go here to see the system I recommend

Arlene & Don

P.S. On 2003, after the McDonald's disaster, Jim Cantalapo was brought onboard.

Jim was the previous CEO - the guy who helped grow McDonald's into the giant it was.

What did he do?

Burned the one dollar menu and brought back what worked.

They stayed with their system for the following years until the company stabilized.

Then, after they were stable, they started trying new ideas and combinations, further growing the company.

And hey, you know what?

Sticking to a proven system worked perfectly for McDonalds.