Subject: Not for Harvard MBAs

Can a dumb person run a good business?


Can a dumb person run a great business?



Hang in there.

A great business doesn't require a genius to run it.

A really great business is a brilliant, well-crafted machine.

It pretty much runs itself.

Think McDonalds.

99% of the McDonalds' success is due to the way Ray Kroc systematized every single process so that almost anyone can step in, follow the system, and succeed.

It only took ONE genius: Ray Kroc, to develop the system.

But after Ray put the system in place, ordinary folks could step in and make good money by working the system.

If it takes a genius to run a business, it's not a good business.

Clickfunnels is a great business.

It doesn't take a genius to run it.

If you follow the easy steps, you can make big commissions.

It generates big profits even for first-time marketers.

And if you ARE a genius?

All the better! You'll make even more money following the system.

But Clickfunnels will work even if you're not!

Try it here.

Arlene & Don