Subject: Knockin' On Business's Door

I don’t know if I ever told you this story before.

It's about a guy who died and went to heaven.

And when he arrived at the gates, he saw Saint Peter.

He said:

“Saint Peter, you' got a help me out here. I’m brand-new. I just died. I’m originally from New Jersey. Is there any other deal people from New Jersey you can introduce me to?”

And Saint Peter said:

“Yeah, the guy over there sitting in the corner there. He’s the greatest songwriter who ever lived.”

The guy said, “No.

That’s George.

He’s a dry cleaner in the next town.

I knew George when we were alive , he’s not a songwriter at all.”

And Saint Peter said, “Oh, oh, oh . . .

He could have been the greatest songwriter who ever lived, but he chose to be a dry cleaner.

He was meant to be a songwriter but his doubts got the better of him.”

Do your doubts get the better of you too?

I know this was the problem for me.

I was afraid of failure.

I didn't get the support I needed from friends and family.

Heck, I was worried if I fail, I'd look stupid to them.

What did I do to remedy my fears and worries?

I cut out anything that didn't reinforce how awesome I am and how smart I am for getting started on my online business.

That meant I cut out colleagues.

I cut out friends.

I even cut out family members.

It was OK if they didn't give me their opinion on what I was doing.


If they for whatever reason tried to give me their opinion on what I was doing and it didn't support me?

Bye bye and thanks for all the fish.

And you can do it too.

In my experience, the best medicine for overcoming doubts consists of two things.

One, and I'll say it again, cut out from your life people who don't make you feel you're on to something great.

Two, join an opportunity with great commissions, easy-to-use technology and of course a great mentor.

Go here to join the best type of opportunity you can find online at the moment.

Arlene & Don

P.S. I don't know if George ever wrote any songs, but the last couple of months, I've been trying to play the guitar.

It can be a son of a gun!

Practice takes one hour every day and I'm now to a point where I can play and sing at the same time

(note to self: take some singing lessons too)

But you know what I love the most?

I actually have time to play the guitar.

Back when I had my 9-5 job and the 4 hours commute, this was a big no no.

Forget about the guitar, even playing with my son was out of my grasp.

I didn't have any me-time, for the things and people I loved?

Nowadays, it's a completely different story.

All thanks to my online business.

Do you want this kind of freedom as well?

Of course you do.