Subject: 🎯(YES! Getter) This Donkey Teaches Us About Success?

One day, a donkey fell into an empty well...

One day, a donkey fell into an empty well...

Desperate for help, it started to call for help in high-pitch.

After a while, it caught the attention of the owner who used different ways and means to pull it up from the well...

But, nothing worked.

The owner then got help from the neighbours, but no matter what they did, the donkey was still trapped.

The donkey was cold, hungry, afraid and feeling helpless.

Unfortunately, this continued on for hours and then suddenly...

Something fell on his head...

Then, more of that "something" keep on coming down like rain.

The donkey looked up to the opening of the well and guess what it saw?

People using their shovels to throw dirt into the well.

Then it finally understood what is happening...

The owner and the neighbours are burying the donkey to end its life once and for all... thinking that it is more merciful than letting it starve to death.

It was then the donkey burst out crying frantically, thinking to itself...

"How can the owner do this to me? Life is so unfair! Why is this happening to me?!"

For the next few few minutes, the donkey just kept screaming and wallowing in self-pity.

But as the dirt started piling higher and higher... and death creeping nearer and nearer...

The donkey realized it didn't want to die.

So in a last ditch effort, it struggled and used all its might to free itself from dirt that was piling up to its neck... all while more dirt is still being thrown down from above.

When it finally freed itself, the donkey noticed that it is now standing on top of the pile of dirt.

...and getting nearer to the surface!

So the donkey repeated the pattern — freeing itself from the dirt and getting on top of pile as it rose nearer to the surface...

Till finally!

The owner and the neighbours' jaws dropped as they saw the donkey emerging to the surface and walking away from the well — tired but feeling victorious, more hopeful and confident than ever...


When I heard this story this morning, I could totally relate to the donkey, the struggles and the emotions it was feeling.

Ever since the pandemic happened...

Every business flocked online and skyrocketed online advertising costs to the moon...

Then, there was an DRAMATIC rise in competition — all thanks to the YouTubers and people calling themselves an "influencer" (just because they have a social media account)...

...which then leads to the next problem:

Customers attention span is getting shorter and shorter...

So if we can't catch the customers' attention in 4 seconds (I suspect it's actually 1-2 second today)... the customer is off to your competitors and the sale is lost... FOREVER.


Let's face it...

Business is getting harder and harder... and more competitive than ever...

And very much like the donkey in the story, life will continue to throw piles of dirt (metaphor for "problems") at us again and again.

So now, we have 2 choices:

A) Life continue to throw dirt at us... we do nothing or play the "blame" game... and let our profits (and dreams) get buried alive...


B) Life continue to throw dirt at us... BUT! We choose to put up a fight... BREAK THROUGH... and emerge STRONGER!

What is YOUR choice?

If you chose B, then let's BREAK THROUGH together!

I'm doing this 2-day LIVE challenge where you can be improving your pitch/description to ATTRACT more attention and sales.

It's called the YES! Getter Challenge and you can get more details here:

Unlike other persuasion/copywriting programs that focuses on "learning"...

The 2-day LIVE training is all about IMPLEMENTING.

In addition to improving your pitch/description along the way...

You'll also get the proven strategies that actually work in the REAL world... and have brought me millions of dollars in REAL PROFITS.

You'll literally shave years and millions of dollars of "trial and error"...

Most importantly, you will learn the skill that can give you the ability to take whatever products/services you may have...and turn them into money-making machines.

This WORKS whether you're

- Selling online/offline...

- Selling digital/physical products...or services...

- Selling in-person or in-writing...

And if you're still creating or finding product/services to promote... it'll give you more CONFIDENCE and maximize your potential profits when you're ready.

There are limited slots for this LIVE training so if you're serious in bringing in SERIOUS profits, then HURRY and join

Let's BREAK THROUGH Together,

Dominic Tay

P.S. This is a BRAND NEW training I'm doing for the first time, so you get to take advantage of the INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL available for a very LIMITED TIME.

More details here:

P.P.S. A lot of you have been emailing me to ask me when the YES! Getter is ready...

So it's finally here! Phew... :-D

It literally took me over 3 months to put together the training, record the explainer videos and do up the websites...

And when you join for the training, you're going to see and be blown away at what you're going to learn and implement in the 2-day event...

I'm confident it'll all be worth it for you!