Subject: ⏰[YES! Getter] Last 38hrs + FAQs

Hi Friend,

We're only less than 38hrs away from the YES! Getter Challenge!

Here are some the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) I've been receiving...

FAQ #1: Is this a LIVE Online Event? What if I can't make it for the dates?

ANSWER: Yes, it's a LIVE online event and I strongly suggest you to do your best to turn up.

I mean... what if this 2-day training is exactly what you need to help you get unstuck -- in your personal and professional life -- wouldn't you want to do everything in your power to turn up?

At the same time, as a parent + business owner + husband + son + coach, I understand some people may already have some prior commitments they just can't put aside temporarily...

That said...

This is most likely my FIRST and also the LAST time I'm going to have a LIVE implementation session.

After this weekend, I'll most likely make the program available as a membership login access with pre-recorded training videos... and at a higher investment.

That's right.

Currently, I'm planning to make the pre-recorded training available at $197 USD for the public.

But I have good news for you — only if you're serious...

If you're truly serious, you can secure the pre-recorded version here at only $147 (instead of $197) with a $50USD subsidy immediately:

(This link is only available until 23 May, 00:00, GMT+8)

Then when it's ready (after 1st June), I'll send you an email with access to them.

FAQ #2: What if I don't have a product/service to promote yet? Can I still join to equip myself with the persuasion techniques? Will it still help me?

ANSWER: Definitely, YES!

Here's why...

Everything you want in life usually involves other people -- be it more money, a better career, more satisfying relationships... you name it.

And in order to gain all of those, there's ONE skill you must have in the first place -- PERSUASION.

Without it, you'll find that life is generally tougher because nobody seems to want to hear what you have to say/promote... much less to buy from you.

So be it you want to gain more agreements in your daily life... or you want to have more sales/income/profits from your existing/new product... getting people to agree with you is the MOST IMPORTANT skill.

FAQ #3: What am I going to get from this weekend training again?

ANSWER: Unlike other persuasion/sales courses that focuses on giving you "theories", the YES! Getter Challenge is focused on getting you to IMPLEMENT so you can have RESULTS.

It's a 2-day IMPLEMENTATION weekend where we'll be creating an irresistible pitch/description for your existing/new product, service or idea... that can help you give you MAXIMUM confidence and sales.

Here's a snippet of what you'll be discovering during the weekend:

✅ The 3 Criteria to Designing A Strong HOOK to Pull In PAYING Customers To Your Business (This alone will determine if your business is money-making or money-bleeding)

✅ How To Connect With Your Audience Quickly So They Are More Willing To Listen To You... Even If You Have Zero Reputation (Ditch small talks or awkward starts with this)

✅ The Top Emotions To TURN ON People's Buying Mode & How to Trigger Them... (Master this and your clients will literally convince themselves to buy from you, so you don't have to try so hard)

✅ The 3 Actionable Ways to Raise The Perceived Value of Your Product/Service To Bring In More Sales & Potentially Charge More... (There's no need to over-promise or spend extra resources to "beef things up" unnecessarily)

✅ How To Position What You're Offering In A Way It's So Irresistible They Literally Fly Off The Shelves (No, this is not about giving discounts that even a 10 year-old kid can think of!)

✅ My 2 Favorite Ways To "Seal The Deal" And Get The Sale Without Having To Really Ask For It, Beg Or Hard-Sell...

✅ And much, much more...

More importantly, you ought to be graduating from this training with an even more irresistible pitch/description.

Want more details of the event?

Head over to and join us right away... and while there are still seats available (Yes, even online webinars have limited slots pre-defined by the platforms I'm using)

Let's get you more confidence and sales starting from this upcoming weekend!

See you LIVE,

Dominic Tay