Subject: Non-Writer Sells Thousands of Books?! (Case Study + Key Takeaway)

Dear Friend,

This is one of my graduates, Alex.

When he first met me, he had book ideas writing skills book business experience

And because of that, when he told his family that he's going to join me to publish digital books together...

Here's what they asked him (with sarcasm and skepticism): ARE YOU SURE?!

He did it anyway.

Fast forward just 2 months...


...identified HOT opportunities he never saw before

...created and published multiple UNIQUE books (without writing them himself or relying on AI tools)

...sold thousands of copies of books GLOBALLY to thousands of COMPLETE STRANGERS


...won 100% support from his family

...boosted his self-confidence levels (which his family noticed and praised him for)

Now, I know this might sound like some made-up TV plot

...But I it's not.

This is 100% REAL

And I actually had a private chat with the "new" Alex you saw earlier in this email.

I asked him:

"What's Your #1 KEY TAKEAWAY From This Experience?"

He shared that it's about...

Making It A "Must" To Achieve Your Goals

Look... It doesn't matter how successful you are or how self-confident you are.

When we're learning something new, or about to do it...

It's NATURAL to feel doubtful, overwhelm or fearful of potential failure and uncertainty...

And if you're like Alex and myself, there might even be people around you who often "pours cold water" on you.

And for most people, that's enough to stop them.

So to make sure that he succeeds in learning and implementing...

He "forced" himself to do these...

...join my 2-day program

...turn up the hands-on activities

Because he knew if he didn't, he will probably "chicken out" and fall back on his old ways.

The result?

He said, "this is one of the best decisions I've ever made".


You can be the next SUCCESS story

I'll guide you, help you with your challenges and make achieving your goal easier with templates.

That's not going to happen unless you decide to join me now.

Listen... There are LIMITED seats left.

Once they're all taken up, I will have to put you on a waitlist for about 3 months.

So if you're serious and there's something holding you back that I can perhaps help with (like an instalment plan, question or concern)

...shoot me a reply to this email NOW.

I promise to do my best to help.


Dominic Tay
7-Figure Digital Business Owner & Mentor

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