Subject: [LAST CALL] Monthly Coaching This Wednesday

Dear Friend,

This is the last call for the first of our many monthly coaching Zoom training for you:

The upcoming session is this Wednesday, 5th July at 8.30pm (Singapore Time).

I'll share new templates, swipe files, and strategies to level up your digital product business.

We'll also have a round-the-table session where you can share what you're currently working on, pick my brain, and get practical answers.

It's a collaborative space where we grow together, no matter if you're:

...creating a video course

...digitizing your business

...creating or streamlining your services

...or preparing a pitch

Literally anything related to growing YOUR business is fair game.

In this month's training, I'll be sharing with you copy-and-paste prompts to use ChatGPT to write in YOUR voice. (Sure, it's not perfect, but it's better than any emails I write when I don't feel inspired)

You can use this on a personal level to create or reply to emails / whatsapp / telegram messages.

You'll also get a quick summary of the latest updates in our program's CORE curriculum... and gain more clarity on the steps moving forward to grow your business.

And if those are not attractive enough for you...

As an added bonus, you'll get to see ME (HAHAHAHA! I'm just kidding 😂)

Back to a more "serious" note, I would REALLY love to see and catch up with each of you this Wednesday.

See you online this Wednesday?

Here's the link again:


Dominic Tay
Digital Marketing & Bestselling Products Mentor

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