Subject: Getting Low or No Sales? Register NOW At No-Cost (If You Not Done So)

Hi Friend

Dominic here. Have you registered for the upcoming Thursday's no-cost training?

It's focused on showing you what you can do to improve your pitch/description to attract more sales, without being pushy, aggressive or desperate.

This is for you especially if you already are selling something online — be it a digital book, a course, a physical product, videos, services... you get my point.

(And if you still don't have a product/service, this training will give you the confidence to get one... knowing that you'll be able to maximize its profits more quickly and easily)

Name: "Get MORE Sales Quickly" Training

Date & Time: 12 May 2022, Thurs, 8pm - 10pm (GMT+8)

Click here to register, if you've not >>

In the upcoming coaching/training, here are examples of what you'll discover:

  • The #1 Mistake Most People Unintentionally Make In Their Pitch/Description That's Driving Their Potential Clients Away... And How You Can Turn It Around (Are you making this mistake too?)

  • 3 Angles to Grab the Attention of Your Customers Quickly... Even If You Have No Reputation (Yet)

  • The 3-Step Blueprint To Get People to Trust, Listen & Buy From You (Case Studies INCLUDED)

  • The Roadmap To Turn ON The "Buying Mode" of Your Customers

  • And much, much more...

There will be NO REPLAY/RECORDING because I created this EXCLUSIVE coaching for my current graduates and subscribers ONLY.

Here's the registration link again:

After registering, if seats are still available, you will receive your Private Training Link via email...

See You LIVE,

Dominic Tay