Subject: ⚡⏩Doing This Will Make Everything Happen Faster in 2024

Secret to Rapid Change #3

Upgrade Your Skills

Hey there!

Are you ready to crush your fitness goals in 2024?

If you’ve had trouble achieving your goals in the past, it might simply be because you need to acquire or brush up on some key skills for your goal. 

For example, if you keep getting stuck when trying to start a business, it might just be that you need to build some solid marketing skills and then you’ll be ready to hit it out of the park. 

Stuck in your dating game? Might be time to read that book on secrets of flirting. Stop right now and make a list of the skills that are needed to achieve your particular goal. 

Or maybe you have attempted to lose weight, but you end up frustrated because the belly fat just will not go away! (trust me I have been there) 

As you take a look, you might see that you’re strong in some areas, but that you could definitely use support in some others. Are there some areas where could you use a skills upgrade

How might you get started on upgrading those skills? Once you have the necessary skills in place, feeling frustrated and stuck will melt away. Your skills will propel you forward into success

Deji’s top 3 weight loss skills:

  1. Tracking your daily progress 

    1. Tracking your food/calorie intake 

    2. Tracking your exercise and fitness routines 

  2. Consistency in the right workouts 

    1. 10,000 steps a day 

    2. Burpee’s (#1 proven weight loss regime) 

  3. The emotional skill of asking for help 

    1. To lose weight you must utilize humility by constantly asking for help and guidance. Those who are consistently getting the help they need are winning in the weight loss game.

Get ready to unleash your full potential and make this year your best one yet.

Let's do this together!

Best regards,

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