Subject: A Proven Strategy For Making Any Change or Achieving Any Goal in 2024 🎇(Bonus Inside...)

Secret to Rapid Change #2

Strategize Your Actions


Hey there!

Are you ready to crush your fitness goals in 2024?

We've got a powerful strategy that's going to take your journey to the next level.

Let's face it, the path to success isn't always easy, but with the right approach, you can achieve amazing results.

Strategize Your Actions 

Once you are crystal clear on exactly what you want to achieve, you’ll get there easily when you create a step-by-step plan. Going for your goal without a strategy is like trying to get from New York to Los Angeles without a map – murky, confusing, and frustrating. With a map, it’s clear, easy, and fun – take this turn, then this one, then the next. That makes sense, right? 

So again, grab that pen and paper, and sketch out a plan for getting to your goal. What do you need to do first? What are some things you might want to try that will help you? If your goal is to lose 10 pounds this month, your strategy might include first joining Deji’s 4-day challenge and then getting an exercise buddy. 

If you get stuck, you could sit back and consider the goal you have. If you could break your goal into three main stages, what would those three stages be? Strategizing your actions makes it manageable, enjoyable and simple to move forward, step by step on your goals. 

As you achieve each step, you build momentum to keep cruising forward effortlessly on any and all of your goals. 

BONUS TIP: A great strategy that I like to use with my clients is getting them at stake for something. For example, if they have a desire to workout twice a week I will challenge them with a proposition… If they exercise for the 2 times at the end of the week I will pay them $20 but if they don’t then they have to pay me $20. Whenever humans are at stake we make things happen!

Get ready to unleash your full potential and make this year your best one yet.

Let's do this together!

Best regards,

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