Subject: 🔥 This is the Secret to Rapid Change (Clarify Your Direction)

Secret to Rapid Change #1

Clarify Your Direction


Hey there! Are you ready to crush your fitness goals? Join our weight loss challenge and make your New Year's resolution a reality!

Often, part of the problem that people encounter when trying to make a change is that they’re not 100% clear about exactly what it is that they want to change. 

What is your exact goal? What does it look like? Do you want to “lose weight”, or do you want to lose 10 pounds a month until you are down to a certain weight? Do you want to “start a business”, or create an online business that brings in $100,000 annually? 

It’s tougher, (and a lot less fun!), to track your successes when the goal is really unclear. 

So, grab a pen right now and clarify your direction…what is it that you really want to change or create in your life? Get specific. 

You can get even more crystal clear on your goals using the SMART goal process – check out your goal and make sure it’s:






As you reach some of your specific, clear goals, or continue to get even more clarity and focus, you might end up refining your goals and adding new ones.

You’ll be achieving goals with much more ease just by getting clear on exactly what your goal is. One of the great things that happens as you do this, is that this process frees up your energy and focus to set and achieve even bigger goals as you go! 

Here’s another great tip that has made a huge difference for me and for my clients:

Write down your goal and tell someone… did you know that simply writing down your goal and telling someone else will improve your chances of accomplishing it by more than 60% Take action today!

Ready to make a change?

 Let's do this together!

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