Subject: Remember Our Nation on Giving Tuesday
Remember Our Nation on Giving Tuesday
November 29th, 2022 at 4:40 pm CDTChange it through prayer... Hello Friend, Prayer changes the country. Divine Mercy for America recently spoke at the National Basilica in Washington DC. Our message was one of urgency and healing. Today, on Giving Tuesday, we ask ...
Thank you for joining the Divine Mercy for America Team!
November 18th, 2022 at 3:36 pm CDTWelcome to the Team! Divine Mercy for America is . . . An Action Plan illuminating the path for people of faith to follow in the footsteps of St. Faustina An online prayer-meeting community enjoying the fruits of fellowship through th ...
Thank you for joining the Divine Mercy for America Team!
November 16th, 2022 at 6:42 pm CDTWelcome to the Team!When you look around, you see a world turned upside down in sin, correct? Just like you, we know that only the mighty power of God can help us. We have a plan!Join us as we journey together on the road toward Jesus ...
Fr Chris Alar Homily Nov 11 - States Constitutionalize Abortion and More
November 11th, 2022 at 12:00 pm CDTWe must beg for mercy! Dear Friend, Fr. Chris Alar MIC relates information on horrific laws passed in California, Vermont, and Michigan. You, your friends, family, and fellow prayer warriors need to see this. Please share, share, share! Joan and Dav ...
Friend, A Fast Friday Prayer for Veterans
November 11th, 2022 at 11:31 am CDTFast for Vets and an end to war Dear Friend, God bless all our Veterans! Pray and fast for them and an end to war. God bless your Fast Friday! Joan MaroneyPS: If you like these videos, please be sure to give it a like and share so more can come t ...
Prayer Meeting Starts Soon with Maureen Flynn
November 9th, 2022 at 3:00 pm CDTPreparing for the Warning or Illumination of Conscience Dear Friend, Have you ever heard of the Illumination of Conscience, the Warning, or the Days of Thunder? Each one of these titles concerns what has been described as God's greatest act of mercy ...
Day 9 - Monthly Divine Mercy Novenas for Our Nation
November 9th, 2022 at 5:00 am CDTPray! Pray! Pray! Dear Friend, Thank you for praying for our country in the unique ways the Lord instructed us through St. Faustina. We have the novena prayers posted below for your convenience. Join the Online Prayer Meeting If possible, please ...
Divine Mercy Prayer Meeting Starts Soon!
November 8th, 2022 at 3:00 pm CDTElection Day with Joan Dave Dear Friend, The Divine Mercy Holy Hour for Our Nation begins soon! We can't think of a better thing to do for our country than to be joined together in prayer and adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament on this impor ...
Day 8 - Monthly Divine Mercy Novenas for Our Nation
November 8th, 2022 at 5:00 am CDTPray! Pray! Pray! Dear Friend, Thank you for praying for our country in the unique ways the Lord instructed us through St. Faustina. We have the novena prayers posted below for your convenience. Join the Online Prayer Meeting If possible, please ...
Divine Mercy Prayer Meeting Starts Soon with Guest Diane Altieri
November 7th, 2022 at 3:01 pm CDTSharing a plan to protect our school kids Dear Friend, As we are sure you will agree, the evil one is after the children of our nation. More and more is being revealed about the many dangers lurking in and around our schools that threaten their live ...