Guardian Angel Consecration how to today.
| Divine Mercy Prayer Meeting & Holy Hour for Our Nations Starts Soon Guest Speakers and Topic Today | | | | Therese Holderbaum has been a member of Opus Sanctorum Angelorum (the work of the Holy Angels) since 2009. In 2017, she began giving talks about the Angels and leading groups of people through the formation for consecration to their Guardian Angel and all the Holy Angels. She is a Handmaid with the Sisters of the Holy Cross, living their spirituality as a layperson. Therese and her husband have been happily married since 1978 and live in northeast Ohio. Listen to Therese's talk at St. Basil Parish in Brecksville, Ohio, for a comprehensive overview of how our Guardian Angels work in our lives and how we can develop a relationship with them to grow in our spiritual life. Interested in applying for the formation year? Send an email to Fr. Wolfgang from Opus Angelorum |
| | 4:30 ET 3:30 CT 2:30 MT 1:30 PT 4:40 ET 3:40 CT 2:40 MT 1:40 PT
5:00 ET 4:00 CT 3:00 MT 2:00 PT 1. ZOOM in live on a computer, tablet, or phone by clicking the button or link below. | The same Zoom Link is good for each day of the novena. 2. Call in on Your Phone for Live Event When prompted, enter Meeting ID: 856 9865 1957 When prompted to enter the Participant ID enter the # symbol. 3. Watch recording at your convenience. Usually available after 8pm ET. | |
Holy Hour of Prayer & Adoration via Live Stream Divine Mercy Perpetual Adoration Chapel, Vilnius, Lithuania Home of the Original Divine Mercy Image 5:00 ET 4:00 CT 3:00 MT 2:00 PT | | | | Make a daily hour of adoration for nine days. During this adoration try to unite yourself in prayer with My Mother. Pray with all your heart in union with Mary . . . I was to make this novena for the intention of my Motherland. (Diary of St. Faustina, 32, 33) | | | |
Would you like to receive the daily prayers for the Monthly Novenas? Join now and select the First-of-the-Month group. |
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| Celebrating 25 Years of Evangelization |
Directors, Mother of Mercy Messengers Celebrating 25 years dedicated to helping others learn about, live, and spread the Divine Mercy message and devotion. Thanks be to God! 830-377-4423
For over two decades, Dave and Joan traveled from parish to parish and school to school, presenting the Divine Mercy message through dramatic presentations. When the lockdown came, they switched gears and now have a vibrant online evangelization presence and have produced videos with millions of views. | | |
| | Marians of the Immaculate Conception, Stockbridge, MA | | | |