Subject: Zoom Meeting Soon: Eclipse, Blood Moon & Feasts of Mercy AND Pentecost

How to prepare Maureen Flynn, Oscar Delgado join Dave & Joan

Dear Friend,

We hope you can join us for this last-minute but important gathering on how to PREPARE ourselves and the world for what heaven may have in store for us soon.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

2:00 pm ET 1:00 pm CT 12:00 pm MT 11:00 am PT

Zoom Room Opens 15 minutes before meeting time.

Zoom Link:

The meeting will be recorded and posted on the Divine Mercy for America YouTube and Rumble channels.

Maureen Flynn

Pray & Fast for America

Signs & Wonders Magazine

Oscar Delgado

Producer St. Michael Movie

Divine Mercy Advisor

With our prayers for you and yours,

Dave and Joan Maroney, and Maureen Flynn