Subject: ZOOM meeting starting soon

Special guest filmmaker & author Daniel diSilva on Blessed Michael Sopocko

Dear Friend,

Sending you this friendly reminder to join us for a short Divine Mercy for America gathering tonight with special guest filmmaker and author Daniel diSilva.

Celebrating the Life & Mission of Blessed Fr. Michael Sopocko

Tuesday, February 15th

8:00 PM EST

Zoom Room Opens 7:45 PM EST

Blessed Michael Sopocko

Nov. 1,1888 - Feb. 15, 1975

Daniel diSilva,, joins us once again to share little-known information about the life and mission of Blessed Michael Sopocko, the incredible priest assigned by heaven to be the spiritual director of St. Faustina Kowalska.

Father Sopocko died on February 15, 1975, at the age of 86. He was declared Blessed on September 28, 2008. Bl. Michael, pray for us!

Read more . . .

Hope to see you soon, or watch on the Divine Mercy for America YouTube Channel once posted.

God bless!

Dave and Joan

Mother of Mercy Messengers

P.S. Oh, and don't forget about these other important events coming soon. Video announcement is posted below. Please SHARE the news.

Tuesday, February 22nd

 8:00 PM EST


Mercy Sunday Momentum 2022

It is with great joy and excitement that on the 91st anniversary of the day the Lord told St. Faustina that He wanted an image of Him to be painted and for it to be venerated around the world, we introduce Mercy Sunday Momentum 2022 (MSM22).

What is MSM22?

MSM22 is real Main Street Media coming from Heaven to help prepare for and celebrate the greatest day of grace of the year, Divine Mercy Sunday!

This special ZOOM meeting will discuss the variety of available resources and programs and how to access and share them. Don't miss this informative meeting.

Zoom Room Opens 7:45

Ash Wednesday, March 2nd

54-Day Mercy Sunday Rosary Novena Begins

Did you know there are exactly 54 days between Ash Wednesday and Divine Mercy Sunday?

This extremely powerful novena is the perfect way to travel with Our Lady through Lent and to the Feast of Mercy.

Pray the Rosary with the addition of a few short prayers rotating between Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious mysteries.

We make it easy for you by sending the daily prayers via email or text. Register at or email Pray the 54-Day Rosary Novena, and be ready for Divine Mercy Sunday like never before!

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Thank you for all you do to live and spread The Divine Mercy message and devotion.

God bless you and may God bless America because of you!

Dave and Joan Maroney

Directors, Mother of Mercy Messengers

An apostolate of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception
Celebrating 20 years dedicated to helping others learn about, live, and spread the Divine Mercy message and devotion. Thanks be to God!

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Choose the group First-of-the-Month Novenas.

Praying for our Country as St. Faustina Prayed for Hers

Mother of Mercy Messengers is a proud member of CEMA.