Subject: Three Fasting Tips from St. Faustina for Lent

some may suprise you . . .

Dear Friend,

Lent is not just a time for personal improvement or new resolutions. Instead, St. Faustina teaches us that it is a time to conform ourselves to Christ’s Passion, where He was obedient to the Father unto death. Today, based on her insights, we offer three tips to keep your fasting spiritual and focused.

1. Make prayer a habitual part of fasting, particularly meditation. Use the time you would typically use for preparing large meals or chatting with family afterward to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and meditate upon Christ’s Passion.

2. Unable to fast due to health issues? So was St. Faustina. She removed her preoccupation with eating and replaced it with meditating on the Passion of the Lord. See Diary entry 618.

3. What you fast for is more important than what you fast from. Saint Faustina recognized this about all spiritual mortifications. Hear all about it in this short message below. Share it with your other fast friends!

God bless your Fast Friday,

Joan Maroney

Don’t go on this journey alone. Grab your rosary and travel safely with Our Lady.