Dear fasting friends,
I messed up last Friday. Although we have shared news about it before, I should have reminded you that the 28th Annual International Week of Prayer and Fasting was beginning Monday, October 11. Hopefully many of you have been on board already, but if not, it is not too late to take part, for a couple of reasons.
First of all, over the years the International Week of Pray and Fasting (IWOPF) has extended to a novena, or nine days, so it doesn't conclude until October 20. That means that as of today there are still five days left. And, there is nothing to stop you from beginning your own novena of prayer and fasting today, or whenever works best for you.
To help assist you in increasing your prayer life over these days, IWOPF, is offering a Virtual Prayer and Fasting Conference daily through October 20th. Each day consists of Holy Mass celebrated by Priest for Life Fr. Frank Pavone, the Holy Rosary, Adoration, Chaplet of Mercy and inspiring and informative talks from leading Catholic clergy and laity.
All you have to do to tune in is go to:
For example, today, Friday, October 16 you can catch Sr. DD Byrne, our Joyful and Sorrowful Rosary, our talk entitled: The Little Known Connection between the Killing of Infants, The Destruction of Warsaw, and the Divine Mercy Revelations.
The daily conference is available for no cost. You can watch today's events at any time from now until 8:00 am tomorrow morning. The events for Saturday will then begin at 10 am with Holy Mass and the plan will continue as I just explained.
Now here is where the best $30 Whopper comes in.
For just $29.99 you can obtain a VIP pass that will enable you to catch all the masses, prayer time and talks you may have missed on demand, or watch any of them at any time in the future. How convenient is that?? And, given the lineup of 27 extraordinary speakers it is a whopper of a deal!
We have already heard several phenomenal talks and homilies that we want to hear again and better digest and the VIP pass makes it possible. And then there are other speakers we haven't been able to catch on the day they were broadcast. No worries. With the VIP pass we can listen to them at any time. This is great.
Attending conferences is one of the ways of Nurturing Personal Holiness in the School of St. Faustina. Attending a conference over nine days with 27 speakers and beautiful prayer time for just $30 has been unheard of, until now, thanks to IWOPF. In the not so long ago day, conferences would offer CD's of the speakers talks, but it usually cost a whole lot more than $30. Am I right?
Again, that is why the IWOPF VIP ticket is a whopper of a deal. It provides good food that will never spoil and nourish and strengthen us during this difficult time of battle. The fruit will last an eternity. It is such a good deal we encourage you to do as we did and leave a generous tip. For us, this is the best $40 Whopper we've ever had!
Have a great week! Pray. Fast. Trust.