Subject: The Anwer to Fasting during the Pentecost Octave

It's Ember Days too - what to do?

Dear Friend,

It's been a few weeks since we have been able to get a Fast Friday message out, and this one is later in the day than we would like to get it out, but here you have it. God willing, we are back on track with the weekly reminders, as the need for fasting today is more than crucial in combating the evil one who has infiltrated everywhere. We warmly welcome all our new Fast Friday members to this "special force" and encourage you all to invite family and friends to join us.

Fasting during a Feast ?

Our friend Fr. Donald Kloster has taught us about fasting on Ember Days four times a year on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. One set of these days always occurs during the Pentecost Octave. Since Pentecost is an eight-day feast, like Easter, and we are not held to fast during a feast, the question arises as to how we handle these traditional days of fasting.

I gave Fr. Kloster a call to provide us with a review of what Ember Days are all about and to find out the answer to this question. Again, I'm sorry I couldn't get this information out sooner, but now we know and will know for the future.

Have a blessed Fast Friday,

Joan Maroney