Subject: Starts Today, First-of-the-Month Novenas for Our Nation - Day 1 - Thursday, July 1, 2021


Hi Friend,

The Miraculous 54-Day Rosary Novena for Our Nation will begin on August 15th. Last year our membership exploded with people wanting to pray this novena. Join the group below and the daily prayers will be waiting for you in your inbox.

Forward this message to family and friends to help spread the word about this powerful novena. I mean, our country needs prayer, correct? Get motivated and on the team!

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Click on the video to learn more!

Hi Friend,

Send in separate message!

It's time once again to pray the Miraculous 54-Day Rosary Novena for Our Nation. We extend a warm invitation for you to join literally thousands from coast to coast in this powerful prayer for the USA.

Last year in preparation for this novena our membership doubled, and then double again, and then doubled again! People were sharing this novena with friends and family and we encourage you to do so also. The novena begins on August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption, and concludes on October 7th, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.

The Origins of the Novena

In Italy on March 3, 1884 (the same year Pope Leo XIII penned the prayer to St. Michael) young Fortuna Agrelli experienced an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Fortuna was suffering from 3 incurable diseases. Doctors had classified her case as hopeless. Upon seeing Our Lady Fortuna exclaimed "Queen of the Holy Rosary, be gracious to me, restore me to health! I have already prayed to Thee in a novena, O Mary, but have not yet experienced Thy aid. I am so anxious to be cured!"

"Child," responded the Blessed Virgin, "you have invoked Me by various titles and have always obtained favors from Me. Now, since you have called Me by that title so pleasing to Me, 'Queen of the Most Holy Rosary', I can no longer refuse the favor you petition; for this name is most precious and dear to Me. Make three novenas, and you shall obtain all."

On another occasion, Our Lady appeared to the young girl and said, "Whoever desires to obtain favors from Me should make three novenas of the prayers of the Rosary, and three novenas in thanksgiving."

Obeying Our Lady’s instructions, the young girl was healed and restored to perfect health and thus began the tradition of the 54-Day Miraculous Rosary Novena.

The novena does not follow the typical sequence of daily mysteries such as Joyful on Monday and so on. It was begun before the luminous mysteries were added. The Joyful Mysteries are prayed on the first day. In 2021 August 15th is a Sunday. So Sunday, August 15th we pray the Joyful Mysteries, Monday, August 16th we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries, and on Tuesday, August 17 we pray the Glorious Mysteries and then repeat from there.

If you are thinking it might be difficult to keep track of the correct set of mysteries. HAVE NO FEAR!

Join the novena group below and each morning the daily intentions will be waiting for you in your inbox.

And it gets better than that. Every daily novena email will include links to audio and video recordings of the prayers. Many tell us that they really like praying along with the recordings.

We have included the prayers for the first day below so you can see how simple and beautiful it is.

The Holy Spirit is Sweeping the Country

Several prominent Catholic apostolates including the Marian Fathers at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy, the United States Grace Force led by Fr. Rick Heilman, the Flame of Love movement led by Fr. James Blount SOLT, Divine Mercy for America, and more are joining together in this powerful novena for perhaps our nation's biggest prayer campaign ever. It is so exciting and exactly what our country needs right now! Do whatever you can to invite more and more to join in prayer. Share the video below. Share this email. Get all your friends and family on board to pray for the USA.

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Click the appropriate button below and check off each group notice you would like to receive. (We hope you will join them all!) You will find a short explanation for each group posted below the check-off list


Your group selection will reset all of your groups so be sure to click the box for every group you want to receive messages from. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

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Click on the video to learn more!

ZOOM-IN with Us For Live

Holy Hour Novena for Our Nation

July 1 - 9

4:30 pm ET, 3:30 pm CT, 2:30 MT, 1:30 pm PT

Three Ways to Join

1. ZOOM-in Live on a computer, tablet, or phone by clicking this link:


The same Zoom Link is good for each day of the novena.

Click the above button or copy and paste this link:

2. Call-in on Your Phone for Live Event

 (646) 558-8656

Meeting ID: 776 0459 0386

3. Watch on YouTube at your convenience

Usually available by 8 pm EDT

Schedule for July 2021

Holy Hour Novena for Our Nation

July 1:  Kevin McCarthy, JD, STL; Pope John Paul II, Divine Mercy, and Our Lady of America!

July 2:  Kristin Bird, Diocesan Rosary Congress; How to Seriously Blow the Lid Off Evil

July 3:  Fr. Vijaya Amruthraj, Divine Mercy for India Update

July 4:  Dave & Joan Maroney, Mother of Mercy Messengers; The Divine Mandate for America the Beautiful

July 5:  Dave & Joan Maroney, Mother of Mercy Messengers; Divine Mercy for "Your Country" International Expansion

July 6:  Salisha Rochelle Miller, Convert & Effective Youth Minister; How St. Maria Goretti Changed her Life and Now the Life of Teens

July 7:  Sr. Mary Lang; Devotion to St. Joseph and Pro-life Ministry

July 8:  Greg Amaya, Mary Our Mother Foundation; Church Approved Eucharistic Miracles and How to Share the News

July 9:  Fr. Dermot Roach, SMA; The Act of Consecration of the Family to Divine Mercy, How It Happened and Why It Works

Monthly Novenas for America

Nine days of Prayer for the USA

Day 1, Thursday, July 1, 2021

1. The Litany of the Saints

Make a novena for your country. This novena will consist of the recitation of the Litany of the Saints.  (Jesus to St. Faustina, Diary passage 59)

Litany of the Saints Audio
Litany of the Saints Text

Order the Divine Mercy for America Prayer Guide containing the Litany of the Saints, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and Diary quotes regarding prayer for native lands.

2. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

I want all the sisters and wards to say the chaplet which I have taught you. They are to say it for nine days in the chapel in order to appease My Father and to entreat God’s mercy for Poland. (Diary, 714)

Chaplet of Divine Mercy Audio
Chaplet on Spotify - Requires Subscription
How to Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy

3. Divine Mercy Holy Hour

Another time I heard these words: Make a daily hour of adoration for nine days. During this adoration try to unite yourself in prayer with My Mother. Pray with all your heart in union with Mary, and try also during this time to make the Way of the Cross. I was to make this novena for the intention of my Motherland. (Diary, 32, 33)

If it is not possible to make a holy hour with Jesus exposed in a monstrance, do so before a blessed image of The Divine Mercy. Enter into deep prayer with one of the world's leading authorities on the Divine Mercy message and devotion, Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, as he shares heartfelt insights and leads prayers from The Divine Mercy Adoration Companion. Recorded live before the Blessed Sacrament.

Holy Hour with Fr. Seraphim Audio

4. Holy Communions

On the feast of the Assumption in 1934, the Blessed Virgin Mary told St. Faustina: My daughter, what I demand from you is prayer, prayer, and once again prayer, for the world and especially for your country. For nine days receive Holy Communion in atonement and unite yourself closely to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. During these nine days you will stand before God as an offering; always and everywhere, at all times and places, day or night, whenever you wake up, pray in the spirit. In spirit, one can always remain in prayer. (Diary, 325)

Order A Novena of Holy Communions

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Thank you for all you do to live and spread The Divine Mercy message and devotion.

God bless you and may God bless America because of you!

Dave and Joan Maroney

Directors, Mother of Mercy Messengers

An apostolate of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception
Celebrating 20 years dedicated to helping others learn about, live, and spread the Divine Mercy message and devotion. Thanks be to God!

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Praying for our Country as St. Faustina Prayed for Hers

Mother of Mercy Messengers is a proud member of CEMA.